Flow meters
Customers may select from the wide range of flow rate meters supplied by our Company for almost any engineering process and any application conditions: vapor, aggressive liquids and gas flow meters, variable pressure drop, variable area, flowover, vortex, turbine, electromagnetic and ultrasonic flow meters. Our Company is ready to offer engineering solutions for flow measurement of any liquid and gaseous mediums.
The new standard solution for the process industry. The H250/M40 flowmeters are setting a new standard in variable area flowmeter technology. They combine tried and tested flow measurement with latest communication capabilities like Foundation Fieldbus. The functionality of the devices is modular extendable. The innovative construction allows a free choice of intrinsically safe or flameproof design.
Highlights indicator/transmitter M40
- Simple, low-cost installation: Measure and display without auxiliary power supply
- Unique modularity to adapt to customer-specific applications
– limit switches (NAMUR, 3-wire transistor or reed contacts)
– 2-wire analog output 4…20mA with HART
– Foundation Fieldbus / Profibus PA interface
– Graphical LC display with flow counter and pulse output - Universal ex-concept: Flameproof and intrinsically safe
- Ingress protection IP66/68, IP69K, NEMA 4x/6
- Any meter orientation possible: vertical, horizontal or in fall pipes
Micro Motion F-Series Coriolis meters deliver high performance and superior reliability in a compact, drainable meter design ideally suited for a broad range of applications.
- Batch Control
- Blending
- Concentration and Density Measurements
- Filling & Dosing
- Gases
- Loading and Unloading (Incl. Truck-mounted)
- Mass Balance
- Multi-meter Product Transfer Skids
- Oil Field Services Cementing
- Process Control
- Reactor Charging
Daniel 1500 Liquid Turbine Flow Meter
The Daniel 1500 Liquid Turbine Flow Meter is a volumetric flow metering and transmitting device used extensively in the petroleum industry. It is the meter of choice for the accurate measurement of liquid hydrocarbons and other process fluids.
The 1500 Liquid Turbine Meter is specifically designed for pipeline operation and for use within the guidelines of API Chapter 5.3 (Measurement of Liquid Hydrocarbons by Turbine Meters) and the test procedures of API Chapter 4 (Proving Systems).
The Daniel 1200 Liquid Turbine Flow Meter is a volumetric flow metering and transmitting device, used extensively in the petroleum industry for the accurate measurement of liquid hydrocarbons. It is specifically designed for marketing terminal and fuel blending services where repeatability is a critical requirement.
Typical Applications
– Refined products loading/unloading
– Batch/blending operations
The compact Testo 417 anemometer features a fixed flow-temperature vane to measure flow, volume flow, and temperature. Volume flow is shown directly on the clear backlit display. Just input the duct measurements, and accurate volume flow calculations are automatically displayed. You can also switch between flow and temperature. Flow direction, either from pressure or vacuum source, is visible in the display. Timed and multi-point mean calculations provide information on mean volume flow, velocity, and temperature. Min/Max values can also be displayed. The “Hold” function freezes current readings in the display making data recording easy.
The compact Testo 425 anemometer with a permanently attached thermal flow probe and telescopic handle. Volume flow is shown directly in the display. Accurate volume flow calculation thanks to easy input of duct area. In addition, it is also possible to switch to the current temperature reading. Timed and multi-point mean calculations provide information on mean volume flow, flow speed, and temperature reading.
Min/max values can also be shown in the display. The Hold function makes it possible to freeze current readings in the display.
OPTISONIC 7300 представляет собой ультразвуковую измерительную систему, предназначенную для измерения расхода технологического газа. Данная модель не имеет ограничений, характерных для традиционных расходомеров для измерения расхода газов (например, периодическая калибровка, техническое обслуживание, потеря давления и ограниченный диапазон расходов).
UFM3030 универсальный 3-х лучевой ультразвуковой расходомер для жидких продуктов, не зависящий от электропроводности, вязкости, температуры и давления.
UFM 530 HT – 2-х лучевой ультразвуковой расходомер для работы с сырой нефтью и другими нефтепродуктами в экстремальных условиях (высокая температура/высокое давление). Кроме того, UFM 530 HT является уникальным решением при измерении расхода синтетического масла-теплоносителя при экстремально-высокой температуре (500 °C) и быстроменяющихся температурах. Прибор является комбинацией первичного преобразователя UFS 500 HT и конвертора UFC 030, который устанавливается раздельно от высокотемпературного первичного преобразователя UFS 500 HT.

OPTIFLUX 4040 C is an electromagnetic flowmeter in 2-wire technology with the dynamics, reliability, and accuracy of a 4-wire EMF. OPTIFLUX 4040 C is suitable for steady or pulsating flows.
The OPTIFLUX 7300 combines the advantages of non-wetted capacitive electrodes, a ceramic liner, and the IFC 300 converter. This electromagnetic flowmeter can be used for noisy applications, low conductivities, mediums tending to form an insulating film, applications with high vibrations, and oxidizing, abrasive, and toxic mediums.
The Krohne Tidalflux 4000 electromagnetic flow meter with integrated and non-contact capacitive level measuring system provides accurate flow measurement in partially filled pipes. TIDALFLUX is designed to measure reliably between 10% and 100% of the pipe cross-section. The integrated level sensors in the liner are in no contact with the liquid and are therefore insensitive against fat and oil floating on the surface.